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Most of my research projects are highly interdisciplinary, which requires a lot of collaborations in different research fields, including mechanical engineering, material science and engineering, biomedical engineering, electrical engineering, industrial engineering and medical schools. Many collaborations and funding opportunities have also been established between different institutions, departments, medical schools and industrial companies, which will be beneficial for future interdisciplinary projects.  

Awarded Funds

9. WSU Commercialization Special Fund 2 (2024)

PI: Qiu, Kaiyan


8. WSU Commercialization Special Fund 1 (2022)

PI: Qiu, Kaiyan


7. Working with Industry 101 (2022)

PI: Qiu, Kaiyan


6. New Faculty Seed Grant (2022)

PI: Qiu, Kaiyan 


5. NIH NIAID R21AI69225 (2022)

Co-I: Qiu, Kaiyan


4. WSU Industry Engagement Grant (2021-2022)

PI: Qiu, Kaiyan 


3. Cougar Cage (2021)

PI: Qiu, Kaiyan 


2. JCATI (2020)

Co-PI: Qiu, Kaiyan


1. WSU Startup (2020)

PI: Qiu, Kaiyan

Collaboration and Support

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Collaborators and Supporters

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Prof. Michael C. McAlpine (Postdoc Advisor)

Kuhrmeyer Family Chair Professor

Department of Mechanical Engineering

University of Minnesota

Prof. Anil N. Netravali (Ph.D. Advisor)

Jean & Douglas McLean Professor

Fiber Science Program

Cornell University

Prof. Brenda M. Ogle (Project Collaborator)

Associate Professor

Department of Biomedical Engineering

University of Minnesota

Prof. Badrinath R. Konety (Project Collaborator)

Professor and Department Chair

Department of Urology

University of Minnesota

Prof. Chih-Chang Chu (Ph.D. Committee Member & Project Collaborator)

Rebecca Q. Morgan '60 Professor 

Fiber Science and Biomedical Programs

Cornell University

Prof. Robert M. Sweet (Project Collaborator)

Professor/Executive Director 

Department of Urology/WWAMI Institute for Simulation in Healthcare

University of Washington

Prof. Daniel A. Saltzman (Project Collaborator) 


Department of Surgery

University of Minnesota

Prof. Paari Murugan (Project Collaborator) 

Assistant Professor

Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology

University of Minnesota

Prof. Paul A. Iaizzo (Project Collaborator)


Visible Heart Laboratory

University of Minnesota

Dr. Sarah Ahlberg (Project Collaborator)

Director of Research & Technology

Medtronic, Inc.

Dr. Priya Nair (Project Collaborator)

Senior Scientist

Medtronic, Inc.

Jorge D. Zhingre Sanchez (Project Collaborator)

Senior R&D Engineer

Medtronic, Inc.

© 2017 by Kaiyan Qiu

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