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December 2024

We received a WSU Commercialization Special Project Fund to support our research commercialization in wearable biosensors and functional electronics.

October-November 2024

Our recent review article "3D-printed biomimetic and bioinspired soft actuators" has been published in IET Cyber-Systems and Robotics​​​​​​​Congratulations to my PhD students Sonja Sparks and Alejandro Obando. 

September 2024

Our recent research work "Machine Learning Enabled Design and Optimization for 3D-Printing of High-Fidelity Presurgical Organ Models." has been featured in Nvidia Technical Blog: New AI-Powered 3D Printing Can Help Surgeons Rehearse Procedures.​

Kick off a new semester and have a lunch on Saturday with several students in my group, including Sonja, Chuchu, Yonghao, Alejandro, Hongyi, Lyndell and Nikolai. Together, we are making advancement for biomedical devices: wearable biosensors, flexible electronics, biomimetic surfaces and organ models!









August 2024

Dr. Qiu presents two talks virtually "3D-printed wearable health monitors" and "Machine-learning assisted 3D printing of presurgical organ models" for ACS 2024 Fall.


Our new group member, Hongyi Shen, joins us for PhD and research in flexible electronics. Welcome!


Dr Qiu attends 2024 Gordon Research Conference for Additive Manufacturing of Soft Materials in Bryant University, RI. 


Our research paper "Machine Learning Enabled Design and Optimization for 3D-Printing of High-Fidelity Presurgical Organ Models." has been published in Advanced Materials Technologies.  Congratulations to my students Eric S. Chen, Sonja S. Sparks, and Chuchu Chen. The paper has been featured in WSU Insider News and other 17 news outlets (By August 27).











Our research Paper "3D-Printed Flexible Microfluidic Health Monitor for In Situ Sweat Analysis and Biomarker Detection" was featured as TOP 10 most read paper in July in ACS Sensors

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Fig.1 Overview.jpg

May-June 2024

Our research paper "3D-Printed Flexible Microfluidic Health Monitor for In Situ Sweat Analysis and Biomarker Detection" has been published in ACS Sensors. Congratulations to my PhD students Chuchu Chen, Yonghao Fu and Sonja S. Sparks. The paper is also featured in WSU Insider News,  X@ACS SensorsWSU News, The Medical News, Medical Xpress, UrekAlert!, and numerous other news outlets









Dr. Qiu, Sonja Sargent Sparks, and Chuchu Chen attends NSF NRT-LEAD Annual Research Expo. Sonja delivers an Oral Presentation while Chuchu conducts a Poster Presentation. 










Dr. Qiu delivered an invited talk "3D printed artificial organs and wearable sensors" to Mechanical Engineering,  Oregon State University



April 2024

Sonja S. Sparks and our group's research in 3D Printed Biomimetic Sharkskin have been featured in WSU Insider News: 

Second chances: Graduate student receives NSF research fellowship. 


Sonja Sargent Sparks (PhD student) won prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (GRFP) to support her three years for our project "3D Printed Biomimetic Sharkskin". Big Congratulations to Sonja! 


Jose Luis Policarpio (Undergraduate) won Undergraduate Research Fellowship for the 2024-2025 academic year. Congratulations to Jose!

March 2024


We are on the news "Researchers present at leading artificial intelligence conference" that WSU faculty members Jana Doppa and Kaiyan Qiu along with graduate student Aryan Deshwal organized a workshop on AI to Accelerate Science and Engineering with the theme of AI for materials and manufacturing.

Febuaray 2024


Scott Crump, the Inventor of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), Co-Founder of Stratasys: the largest 3D-Printing Company in the World, and WSU Mechanical Engineering 76' visited Our Lab in ETRL 353. Welcome!


January 2024


Two new students: Jose L. Policarpio and Myles M. McGovern joins the lab as undergraduate researchers. Welcome! 


October-November 2023


Dr. Qiu attended IMECE 2023 and delivered a talk "3D-Printing of Biomedical Devices" in New Orleans, LA. 

August 2023

The patent US11741854B2 "3D printed organ model with integrated electronic device" is awarded on August 29.


A collaborative paper (led by Prof. Vivian Li in Colorado State U): Incorporation of Gentamicin-Encapsulated Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) Nanoparticles into Polyurethane/Poly(ethylene oxide) Nanofiber Scaffolds for Biomedical Applications has been published ACS Applied Nano Materials


We will participate in NSF Research Traineeship: Next Generation Robotics, for a research thrust of underwater: 3D-Printed Soft Robots with Biomimetic Shark skin

April-May 2023


Our lab and research work about 3D printed biomedical and biomimetic devices has been featured in an article "It all adds up: 3D printing transforms outer space and inner organs" in Washington State Magazine Summer 2023.


Four new students (3 PhD students and 1 summer research assistant) officially joins the group in May and August 2023. 


Alejandro G. Obano joins the group as a ME PhD student in Fall 2023, Welcome!​


Sonja S. Sparks joins the group as ME PhD student in Fall 2023, Welcome! Sonja has been serving as an undergraduate researcher in the group since 2021. â€‹


Yonghao Fu joins the group as ME PhD student in Summer 2023, Welcome!​


Eric S. Chen joins the group as a summer research assistant during Summer 2023, Welcome!

January 2023


Matthew M. Demorse joins the group as an undergraduate researcher, Welcome!​


November 2022


We received a WSU Commercialization Special Fund ($15K) to support our research commercialization. 


September 2022


Dr. Qiu visited a multiple companies (Boeing, Starbucks, and PACCAR) in Seattle. 

August 2022


Dr. Qiu attended Gordon Research Conference: Additive Manufacturing of Soft Materials in Ventura CA on August 7-12. 


June 2022


Dr. Qiu has been nominated to an inaugural Advanced Materials Technologies "Rising Star" by the editorial team and editorial advisory board in recognition of his potential to influence the future directions of the respective field of research. 


Dr. Qiu has been invited to do a Research Presentation for NextFlex on June 29. 


Ambrose Wang (UC Berkeley 26') joins our group in summer for 3D-printing functional devices research, Welcome! 

May 2022


We received a Working with Industry 101 Funds ($3K), combining with our previous confirmed WSU Industry Engagement Grant (another $3K) together, for total $6K funds, to support our group's efforts in establishing industrial collaborations. 


We received 2022 New Faculty Seed Grant ($25K) from WSU, to fund our 3D-printed biomimetic device project. It has been featured in WSU Insider News: Nine faculty selected to receive seed grants


Our proposed project in 3D-printed wearable biosensors has been selected for Cougar Cage finalist presentation at Seattle WA.


Dr. Qiu delivered a presentation for 3D-printed wearable biosensors in Cougar Cage event at Seattle on May 10th.  


Dr. Qiu has been invited to attend the "Working with Industry 101". 


Rhea Kuppa, a 11th grade student from Tesla STEM High School, working on a project "3D Printing Bio-Inspired Heart Valves to Increase Efficiency of Pre-operative Care" under Dr. Qiu's guidance, won the first place in Central Sound Regional Research and Engineering Fair (CSRSEF), then the first place in Washington State Science and Engineering Fair (WSSEF).  Congratulations!


Dr. Qiu will attend a Gordon Research Conference in Ventura CA. 

April 2022


The Coauthored Paper "Recent Advances in biomaterial applications of 2D nanomaterials with peroxidase-like properties" has been published online in Advanced Drug Delivery Review in April, 2021.


Dr. Qiu attended DELTA Junior Faculty Institute. â€‹


Dr. Qiu met Senior Directors from Boeing on April 7th. 


Dr. Qiu delivered a proposed manufacturing course "Micro/Nano Fabrication" presentation to MME External Advisory Board on April 8th. 


Dr. Qiu delivered a research presentation to MME External Advisory Board on April 8th.

March 2022


Dr. Qiu has been nominated and selected into DELTA Junior Faculty Institute. 


Dr. Qiu delivered an invited talk in ACS National Meeting at San Diego, CA. 


February 2022


We received a part of a NIH R21 (R21AI69225) award (Over $22K for two years), as a Co-I. 


Jasper Ellingson from Mechanical Engineering joins the group as an undergraduate researcher. 


September-October 2021


Our Research Paper "Excellent Specific Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Anisotropic Freeze-cast Native and Carbonized Bacterial Cellulose-Alginate Foams" has been published online in Advanced Functional Materials on September 28th, 2021.


The work has been featured in WSU Insider News: Researchers create super foam through advanced manufacturing

Freeze-cast native (left) and carbonized (right) bacterial cellulose-alginate foams.jpg
Freeze-cast baterial cellulose-alginate foam_two levels of porosity.jpg

July-August 2021


Jin Miao (Pursue PhD in Mechanical Engineering) joins the group, as a PhD student. 


Chuchu Chen (Pursue PhD in Materials Science and Engineering) joins the group, as a PhD student. 


Sonja Sargent Sparks joins the group, as an undergraduate researcher. 

July 2021


Dr. Qiu has been named as Berry Family Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering.  

June 2021


Our research in presurgical organ models has been featured in the in the WSU Inside News: Providing better practice opportunities for heart surgeons


April 2021


The research proposal related 3D printed organ models, won the Cougar Cage Funding with the highest $50k. It is one of the six proposals won this funding. 


The proposed research topic was featured in the WSU Inside News: Six projects receive funding during inaugural Cougar Cage event



August 2020


My research paper (one of two co-first authors) "3D Printed Patient-specific Aortic Root Models with Internal Sensors for Minimally Invasive Applications" was published in Science Advances on August 28th, 2020. â€‹

The work has been featured in The Medical News, Diagnostic and Interventional Cardiology, MedicalXpressScience Daily, 3D Printing Industry, Newswise, EurekAlert, UMN News, WSU News, and numerous of other News Outlets

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3D Printed Aortic Model with
Internally Integrated Sensor Array
Video: 3D Printed Aortic Root Model

July 2020


My collaborative (with Prof. Ogle's group) research paper "In Situ Expansion, Differentiation, and Electromechanical Coupling of Human Cardiac Muscle in a 3D Bioprinted, Chambered Organoid" in Circulation Research was Published with a Cover in July, 2020. â€‹The work has been featured in numerous outlets and selected for Circulation Research Best Manuscript Award

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2020 Invited Talks

April 2020


My Onsite Invited Talk "3D Printed Artificial Organs and Smart Electronics for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications" was presented for Washington State University​

March-April 2020


My Onsite Invited Talk "3D Printed Artificial Organs and Smart Electronics for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications" was presented for University of Tennessee​

March 2020


My Onsite Invited Talk "3D Printed Artificial Organs and Smart Electronics for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications" was presented for Florida Institute of Technology​

January 2020


My Onsite Invited Talk "3D Printed Artificial Organs and Smart Electronics for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications" was presented for University of Georgia​

January 2020


My Onsite Invited Talk "3D Printed Artificial Organs and Smart Electronics for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications" was presented for Mississippi State University​


November 2019


My Invited Talk "3D Printed Models of the Aortic Valve" was presented in 2019 Earl E. Bakken Surgical Device Symposium: Update on Surgical Aortic Disease, in Minneapolis, MN on November 8th. â€‹

June 2019


My Research Paper "3D Printed Organ Models with Physical Properties of Tissue and Integrated Sensors" in Advanced Materials Technologies has been listed as a Best of 2018 Article


My review paper "3D Printed Organ Models for Surgical Applications" in Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry has been featured in Knowable Magazine with a title of "How 3-D printing could help shape surgery". 

April 2019


My Invited Talk "3D Printed Organ Models with Physical Properties of Tissue and Integrated Sensors" was presented in Session of 3D Printing of Functional Materials and Devices at 2019 SPIE Conference_Defense and Commercial Sensing, in Baltimore, MD on April 14th. 

February 2019


My Invited Talk "3D Printed Organ Models with Integrated Electronics" was presented at University of Georgia, in Athens, GA on February 21st. 


September/October 2018


My research work in 3D Printed Organ Models has been featured as a Cover Story in Minnesota Business Magazine. 


August 2018


My collaborative (with Dr. Park & Ruitao Su) research paper "3D Printed Polymer Photodetectors" in Advanced Materials (Published online in August, 2018) has been featured in the News:

NatureUMN News | Science Daily | EurekAlert | Nanowerk | Newsweek

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3D Printed Bionic Eye
Video: 3D Printed Prototype Bionic Eye

March/June 2018 & June 2019


My review paper "3D Printed Organ Models for Surgical Applications" in Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry (Review in Advance first posted online on March 28, 2018 and Published on June 12, 2018) has been featured in Annual Reviews News with a title of "Making Realistic 3D Printed Organs to Plan Surgery".

The review paper is also the No. 1 most accessed article in Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry (Volume 11) during Review in Advance in 2018. 

March 2018


My oral talk about "3D Printed Organ Models with Physical Properties of Tissue and Integrated Sensorshas been presented in 255th ACS National Meeting & Exhibition in New Orlean, LA. My ACS abstract has been also selected for an ACS Sci-Mix poster session, which "consists of abstracts selected by division program chairs and represents the most exceptional abstracts submitted to participating divisions".

March 2018


My research paper "3D Printed Organ Models with Physical Properties of Tissue and Integrated Sensors" in Advanced Materials Technologies (Published online in December 2017) has been selected to be featured as Inside Front Cover Image in Advanced Materials Technologies, 2018, 3 (3). 

Video: 3D Printed Organ Models Introduction
Fox News Video: 3D Printed Organs Help Doctors Prep for Surgery 

September 2017


My research paper "In Situ Produced Bacterial Cellulose Nanofiber-Based Hybrids for Nanocomposites" in Fibers (Published online in August 2017) has been selected to be featured as Cover Image in Fibers, 2017, 5 (3). 

May 2017


My collaborative (with Dr. Guo) research paper "3D Printed Stretchable Tactile Sensors" in Advanced Materials (Published online in May 2017) has been featured in the news:


UMN CSE News Feature | Newsweek | NBC News | 3D Printing Industry | KARE 11 | CBS MN | Mic | BTN | MN Daily | NIH Science Highlight | Physics World | ASME Mechanical Engineering Magazine

Also highlighted at the National Advisory Council for Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering


The research paper is also the No. 1 most accessed article in Advanced Materials in May 2017. 

Video: Tactile Sensor Directly Printing On Hand Model

© 2017 by Kaiyan Qiu

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